We drive Latin American development through capital.

Ángel de la independencia in Mexico City at night.

About us

We are a private structured debt fund with a strategy that, in addition to providing certainty, optimizes sustainable growth. Our goal is to increase liquidity in the Latin American capital markets, focusing on five sectors that require constant innovation and development: fintech, real estate, renewable energy, agriculture, and health.

Addem Capital


We analyze and finance structured debt lines for prominent asset generators.

Master Servicer

We have the ability to oversee and manage complex debt structures developed by Addem, Latus, and external sources.

dollars financed
dollars in commitments


Redefinir el éxito empresarial: en conversación con Paulina Macías

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Addem Capital Research: Agricultura sostenible en México

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Sofía: convertir el capital en acceso a la salud

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Impulsamos la inclusión financiera y laboral que habilita Ozon

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Goldberg-Zogovic, S.A.P.I. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. le informa que no solicita ningún tipo de pago previo al otorgamiento de crédito, ni depósitos a cuentas de terceros y las Sras. Luz Marin Torres Mendoza e Isabel Ramirez no colaboran en esta empresa.