Mónica Ajarrista

Chief Operating Officer

Over the past decade, Mónica has been actively involved in various areas of the investment world, including real estate investments, private placements, mergers and acquisitions, and asset management, focusing on family offices and venture capital funds. Her professional journey has unfolded in key roles at consulting firms, venture capital funds, real estate developers, and real estate investment companies. Before joining Addem Capital, she led the strategy for two influential funds, one of them with a capital of 750 million dollars. During that period, she solidified her expertise through the successful financing of over 300 multifamily, industrial, and commercial real estate projects in the United States, Mexico, and Europe.

Goldberg-Zogovic, S.A.P.I. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. le informa que no solicita ningún tipo de pago previo al otorgamiento de crédito, ni depósitos a cuentas de terceros y las Sras. Luz Marin Torres Mendoza e Isabel Ramirez no colaboran en esta empresa.