A Latin America where access to financing is the engine, not the limitation.
Addem Group has developed a three-entity approach to increase liquidity in the LATAM capital markets. We act as scouts, funders, and monitoring agents within five verticals: fintech, real estate, energy, agriculture / sustainable foods, and healthcare.
We believe that money will become a commodity in the medium-long term, and financial players such as ourselves will compete with infrastructure rather than extensive checks. We aim to become LATAM’s most relevant liquidity provider by eliminating unnecessary debt intermediaries and excelling in our underwriting and servicing processes.
With our master servicer, we can monitor and service complex debt structures developed by Addem, Latus, and potential external sources.
Addem Capital is a Mexico-based private fund that provides alternative structured debt facilities within five industries: fintech, real estate, energy, agro & sustainable foods, and healthcare. We create and fund tailor-made debt facilities for LATAM-based companies that actively contribute to strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region. We focus on companies that have proven their capacity to leverage technology for originating income-generating assets with forecastable and traceable cash flows.
Our focus on structuring debt facilities with complete traceability control positions us at the best risk-to-return ratio in Mexico.
All the monitoring and revisions on the collateral of credit facilities are done by our Master Servicer. Through its Internal Control Desk, the Master Servicer guarantees that all the performing assets satisfy the eligibility criteria for each facility. This gives us more power to make decisions on the line and be ahead of any risk.
Our fund and consulting firm have invested or worked with people from more than five countries, including Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, and US-based entrepreneurs working in LATAM.
Our three-entity approach enables us to offer a comprehensive service. We monitor ongoing facilities without reducing efforts on scouting new opportunities to consolidate our pipeline. We rely on third-party services to properly assess the quality of the asset and its originators’ underwriting process.
ENGIE Mexico is one of the most important natural gas transportation companies in our country. It currently operates 3 gas pipelines along 1,300 km, which supply Natural Gas to productive companies located in the Central, Bajío and Yucatan areas.
ENGIE GNV is a subsidiary of the ENGIE Group that carries out sustainable mobility activities. They focus on providing a wide range of solutions and services that include: the conversion of vehicles to natural gas, the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of service and distribution, the sale of Compressed Natural Gas, Biomethane, LNG and Bio LNG, Hydrogen, Hythane and other renewable fuels. Their mission is to make natural gas available and accessible to all consumers.
Since its foundation in 2008, Lafín has undertaken a mission to reduce opportunity inequality and combat poverty in Mexico. Specializing in the placement and management of microcredits for small entrepreneurs, they have transcended their origins in the Yucatán Peninsula to reach more than eight states in Mexico.
Their efforts stem from the recognition that social disparities in our country are a direct result of the lack of an efficient system that promotes mobility. Therefore, their proposal is to reach socioeconomic sectors C and D, to pave a path that opens windows of opportunity. Through two credit modalities, personal and group, their purpose is to facilitate access to financing so that more people can consolidate and grow their ventures. With the conviction that Mexico is an endless source of talent, Lafín is a fintech
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Mend es una empresa mexicana que facilita el acceso oportuno a procedimientos quirúrgicos, enfocándose en aquellos que los seguros no cubren. Con esta línea de crédito, Mend se volverá la…
Goldberg-Zogovic, S.A.P.I. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. para su constitución no requiere de autorización de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, pero sí se encuentra sujeta a la supervisión de la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores y de la Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros, en términos del artículo 56, 87-J y 87-K de la Ley General de Organizaciones y Actividades Auxiliares del Crédito y demás aplicables de la ley mencionada y las demás disposiciones aplicables.
Goldberg-Zogovic, S.A.P.I. de C.V., SOFOM, E.N.R. le informa que no solicita ningún tipo de pago previo al otorgamiento de crédito, ni depósitos a cuentas de terceros y las Sras. Luz Marin Torres Mendoza e Isabel Ramirez no colaboran en esta empresa.